It's like a book club with explosions


bro vs. bra

i honestly am not sure where to start with this movie. it was perfectly 90's, which was my favorite decade. it made me miss my brother's game gear which was about the size of my keyboard at work now. there were some tremendously fantastic one-liners. which, now that it's the next day, i sadly can't remember off the top of my head.
did you know the older kid (whatever the hell his name was) was also the stunt double for donatello in the first tmnt movie? and was keno in secret of the ooze. just saying. the little kid didn't do a damn thing after this.
i love the pseudo-subtle women's lib, as well as the "empower the people through government" messages. and also, poor leslie nielson. i hope he got paid for all those missed phone calls, and the elephant stomping, and the lame mask.

less good:
paul and samamual already mentioned this, but yeah, there were some inconsistencies, like the eye patch guy's still in tact eye after being slashed with a sword. but i think i'm ok with that.
there were several moments during the movie that caused wildfire, chris, carsten, and i to turn to each other and ask, "was that racist?" or say, "if he says 'your highnesses' one more time..."
there were some pretty badass fight scenes, though some super silly ones too. i feel like the kids should have been a bit sadder about the fact that their biological parents were KILLED but i guess that's no big deal when you are a surf ninja.

to sum up:
this movie helped me identify one of my favorite aspects of action movies: i love it when all the bad guys match. it makes everything seem so much more ordered.
this movie does leave me with the question, what are the grammatical rules regarding the usage of "bra" and "bro"? is one more formal? how can i incorporate these wonderful words into my vocabulary if i don't know the rule?

1 comment:

Samamual said...

The older kid was also the hyper-buff resistance leader that th Rock had to fight in "The Rundown". Small world.