It's like a book club with explosions


Erich von Daniken Was Right!!!!

Well, it was nice to see Indy in a new movie, and it didn't disappoint. Well, mostly. I found the whole secret of the crystal skull a little hokie (ok, a LOT hokie). I was a little disappointed with how the 'archeology' of the film entered the realm of the extraterrestrial. Also, there was a distinct lack of Nazis.

But enough of that, to the good things. First, it was action packed. The chase scene where Indy goes from bike to car to bike was awesome. Also, the punch sound effect didn't change. I was very happy about this. Mutt was a greaser (the Socs surely wanted to rumble over this). And the only 'Kate' in this film was Cate Blanchett.

Question: Was I the only one who felt that, at some point during the wedding scene, there was supposed to be a cut to C3PO and a rebuilt R2D2?

Perhaps the most exciting news around the release of Indy 4 is the talk about an Indy 5. Well, guess what? I did some investigating, and I was able to get an overview of the plot line. I present it here for you (WARNING: Spoiler Alert)

1. Indy gets into some trouble that causes his hat to fall off.
2. Indy gets dragged into a larger adventure that threatens the well-being of his hat.
3. Indy gets into a fist fight and nearly loses his hat.
4. Indy dodges a booby-trap and barely rescues his hat.
5. Indy saves the day with his hat gloriously sitting upon his head.

There you go. And what about Indy 6? Well, the budding dark side of the force within Indy's hat grows stronger, creating an alienation between him and his wife, Queen Amidala. The hat becomes the protege of the burgeoning galactic emperor and goes on a rampage, killing all the other hats. Eventually, Indy's hat is confronted by his mentor, Obi -Wan Kenobi, on a volcanic planet. There, the hat loses its brim and is placed inside a robotic suit. It goes on to become the most feared enforcer within the Galactic Empire. (Don't worry, Queen Amidala is pregnant with the hat's babies. There will be a new hope.)

1 comment:

Samamual said...

Saint Jeff Peden, you are pretty hilarious.