It's like a book club with explosions


"carla was the prom queen"

yes, she was. but she was effing annoying.

this movie, especially when combined with boxed cake, friends, and not enough seating, is one of my favorite action movies.
i love that it comes with a completely awesomely impossible san francisco car chase (those hills at 70 mph? sean connery is a badass, but come on), a little bit of conspiracy theory, and the actually complex feeling of agreeing with both the good and bad guys.
i know it sounds crazy, but this movie does have some valid substance regardless of its ridiculousness.
additionally, i love anything with john c. mcginley in it.

just looking at imdb, i noticed that this movie was nominated for an oscar. think about that!

sidenote: last night during amt at my house, friends suggested that we do some of our voting for future movies on the blog. we could also do posts or have a section where we note any actor appearances from other action movies. it might be a good way to make connections between movies each week. perhaps a calendar of events as well? let me know what you all think.

i would like to leave this post on a positive note, "Your 'best?' Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." yes sean connery, yes we do.

The Rock

Dear Jesus, this movie was sweet.
First of all, Sean Connery is a god among men. No argument. The next person I hear speak an ill word against this paragon of men is going to get physically punched. By me.
Nick Cage was great, in a hilarious kind of way. E.g., the Rocket Man line. I rest my case.
So many things about action movies must ipso facto not make sense. That's right, I'm busting out the Latin phrases. BUt what I'm saying is that they're always neglecting details for the sake of action sequences. For this example i will refer you to the underground mine sequence. Does Alcatraz really have a mine like that? Ummmm.....who cares? Sweet action sequence.
In conclusion, I would do Sean Connery.


Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I thought I'd drum up some enthusiasm for tonight's flick "The Rock".

Let's consider the cast. Nick Cage is Dr. Stanley Goodspeed, a Biological Weapons Specialist, thereby satisfying one of the Core Principles of Action Movies.

definition: Core Principle(s) of Action Movies
noun. Crucial and oftentimes hilarious element(s) of Action Movies.

In this case we are looking at the first Core Principle:

Principle 1: One cast member must play a specialist in such a way that their being an expert is wholly unbelievable. caveat: Bonus points for hilarious names.
ex: Denise Richards as Dr. Christmas in "The World is Not Enough."
Justin "hi i'm a mac" Long as a hacking genius "Live Free or Die Hard"

This is simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the characters in "The Rock". John Spencer of West Wing fame joins as an FBI director, and, in a move of sheer creative casting genius, Sean Connery plays, you guessed it, a British secret agent.

If that's not enough for you, watch closely near the end of the movie and you will see James "Jesus" Caviezel as a fighter pilot. Damn. This movie kicks ass.


we ride together, we die together

other than the fact that this might truly be the longest action movie in history...
i genuinely enjoyed Bad Boys II and definitely feel that it is better than the first Bad Boys.
admittedly, i'm not a fan of gabrielle union and find her too "10 things i hate about you" to be a good action hero, but who can blame her for boinking (as we used to say in high school) will smith?
i did appreciate the filming around martin lawrence's line, "shit just got real." indeed martin, shit did, in fact, just get real. as madgyver said last night, "the spinning camera simulates being in a helicopter." it was almost as though we were really there! ish.
additionally, turning the whole "gabrielle union was kidnapped by cuban crazies with bad accents" quite literally into an international incident involving both us and cuban military, was a nice, heartwarming touch.

Bad Boys II

Wow. This movie was crazy. Michael Bay is just a crazy-making machine. These cops were unbelievably over-zealous. Is this a bad thing? No. Does this make a sweet-ass action movie? YES.
This movie was also very long. Sometimes this is awful. Here, I was okay with it. As long as I am allowed to yell things at the screen, a movie can take as long as it wants to explore a convoluted chain of mobsters and drug runners.
Questions that this movie inspired:
1. If I was black, would I want to be a Haitian immigrant, or an American cop?
2. How sweet would it be to be a black cop busting a Klan meeting?
3. Does the KKK know that 'clan' is spelled with a 'c'?



the hottest of fuzz

first of all, i adore this movie. after watching it last night, it may have moved into position as one of my favorites.

the brilliant cinematic masterpiece that is "hot fuzz" brings joy to not only myself, but also the world. the stunning homage to 2 of the great works of our time, "point break" and "bad boys II" left me truly speechless. with sparkling dialogue and a hint of transcendentalist theory, this movie, nay, film, boldly discusses issues of sexism, fascism, and ultimately asks the question, "what is the meaning of life?"

additionally, it is pretty badass, and the last 20 minutes of this movie made me want to be in an action movie.

Hot Fuzz

Hooray for this movie. It is hilarious. I'm sure you all know that. It is also very clever and sneaky. I like these guys a lot. I think that this movie is sort of our mascot, because;
1. We use their picture.
2. Last week was Point Break
3. Next week is Bad Boys 2.
I don't know if that last one is a choice or we are taking a vote, but I am not ready to watch Transformers for the fourth time.
So in summary: British people are funny, unnecessarily high-octane action sequences are totally sweet, and I am going to go kick an old lady in the face. Yeeah, motherfucker.


lawn-mowered to death?

i would like to put forth a hypothesis that this may be in the top 10 worst ways to go. i can't remember a time when anything, let alone a scene in a movie, made all of us (erin, madeline and me) scream wildly for a good 5-10 minutes. that was a priceless, friendship-cementing moment. when do we watch "the fifth element?"


Not Point Break

Well, there are still 14 people ahead of me at the library to get this one. But I did watch an action movie last night in solidarity: "The Sentinal," with Michael Douglas, Kiefer Sutherland and Eva Longoria. If you've never heard of it, there's a reason. It was pretty mediocre... but I still enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to catching up with y'all when I get Point Break. Happy day after action movie tuesday, everyone!

Point Break

The first (and only other) time I saw this movie I was probably 11 years old and it was the edited for television version. This would explain why I didn't immediately associate this film with witty sexual wordplay and outright gore. That being said, my favorite part was the bust of the meth head surfers. I did not enjoy watching it, but I did enjoy the effect it had on Erin in Action, Mackenz, and myself. We were screaming. And we are not screamers. The only justification I can give for this reaction is James Cameron's cinematic genius.

Point Break

more serious than i thought it would be, but everything i hoped it would be in terms of awesome and action.
some seriously good lines such as john c. mcginley's "young, dumb, and full of cum,"  which i feel should be brought back as a popular phrase.
i appreciated all of the hair tossing.  mackenzie declared that they must all have very strong neck muscles.
we also wrongfully assumed that busey's can't die.
i am now off to search for the soulful reason for riding the waves.


Point Break

That. Was. Incredible.
Keanu, of course, was amazing. And Gary Busey? Forget about it.
And now I know that if I am ever being chased through people's homes, I need to grab a dog and throw it at them.
Seriously, I loved that movie.
Love, Sam.