It's like a book club with explosions


Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I thought I'd drum up some enthusiasm for tonight's flick "The Rock".

Let's consider the cast. Nick Cage is Dr. Stanley Goodspeed, a Biological Weapons Specialist, thereby satisfying one of the Core Principles of Action Movies.

definition: Core Principle(s) of Action Movies
noun. Crucial and oftentimes hilarious element(s) of Action Movies.

In this case we are looking at the first Core Principle:

Principle 1: One cast member must play a specialist in such a way that their being an expert is wholly unbelievable. caveat: Bonus points for hilarious names.
ex: Denise Richards as Dr. Christmas in "The World is Not Enough."
Justin "hi i'm a mac" Long as a hacking genius "Live Free or Die Hard"

This is simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the characters in "The Rock". John Spencer of West Wing fame joins as an FBI director, and, in a move of sheer creative casting genius, Sean Connery plays, you guessed it, a British secret agent.

If that's not enough for you, watch closely near the end of the movie and you will see James "Jesus" Caviezel as a fighter pilot. Damn. This movie kicks ass.

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