It's like a book club with explosions


Billy Baldwin's Best Movie

i, unlike the saint jeff peden memorial death fest (he's a co-worker kids, don't be scared), am going to mention the fact that billy baldwin was in this movie. and what i will say is this: he wasn't the worst pick possible for the part, and he wasn't the best. he's no daniel, but he's also no alec.
my biggest complaint about this movie was the fact that kurt russell played the dad and the son. i think that's lame and there's no way to convince me otherwise. this was a fact much debated in the first 15 minutes of the movie too.
my second biggest complaint was the fact that the preggers girl from fast times at ridgemont high was in this at all. i'm sorry, i just find her annoying.
but, all of that aside, i really liked backdraft. it was higher quality than i anticipated, i love donald sutherland (even if his character was strange and definitely creepy) and robert deniro (who doesn't?!). there was a good combination of explosions, one-liners, decently substantive plot, and of course, my favorite: bar fights.
overall, maybe not the most stereotypically badass movie, but i enjoyed myself. (i'm also glad to have a bit of a break from the bad-good movies we had a long streak of. you have to mix it up a bit after all).

1 comment:

The Saint Jeff Peden Memorial Death Fest said...

You know, the scary thing is, when you compare Billy to Alec and Daniel, I'm not sure who's supposed to be the good actor and who's supposed to be the bad actor.